Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_Doctorants

Séminaire Doctorants / Seminar PhD students

« Modeling the ultraviolet emission from young galaxies at high redshift »

Alba Vidal Garcia
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (Paris, France)

Abstract : The NIRSpec instrument onboard JWST will collect high-quality spectra of thousands of high-redshift galaxies out to the epoch of reionization. To best interpret these observations in terms of constraints on the early star formation and chemical enrichment histories of galaxies, we need reliable models of not only the rest-frame optical and near infrared emission, but also the rest-frame ultraviolet emission from young galaxies. In this context, I will present new models to compute the rest-frame ultraviolet emission from young galaxies at high redshift. The models include recent advances in the theories of stellar interiors and atmospheres to interpret the ionizing and non-ionizing radiation from starforming galaxies. I will show how such properties depend on current uncertainties in the evolution of massive stars and on the main adjustable parameters of the models. I will also describe the implications of these models for the interpretation of JWST/NIRSpec observations in terms of constraints on the stellar and interstellar (both neutral and ionized) components from young galaxies.
jeudi 3 décembre 2015 - 17:00
Salle Entresol Daniel Chalonge, Institut d'Astrophysique
Page web du Séminaire / Seminar's webpage